2024年10月3日 星期四



剛學英語的時候,講到天氣我們只會說 It's windy, It's sunny, It's rainy……但學英文這麼久了,現在的你,是否會想多知道一些跟風相關的各種英文説法呢?下面讓我們來看一下!

1. 沒風

(1) no wind

(2) not windy

(3) calm

There's no wind so you can't fly a kite.


It's not windy today. = Today is a calm day.  跟人一樣,好像風也有情緒啊!


2. 有風

(1) windy

(2) there's wind

There will be some wind today.


It's windy outside so you should wear pants instead of a skirt.


Hold on to your hat on a windy day.


3. 起風了

(1) getting windy

(2) starting to blow

It's getting windy.


The wind has started to blow.


4. 風大了

(1) pick up

(2) get stronger

(3) windier

(4) more wind

The wind is picking up. = The wind is getting stronger.


The wind has picked up. = The wind has gotten stronger.



There's more wind. = It's windier now.


5. 風小了

(1) calm down

(2) slow down

(3) drop down

(4) lighter

(5) less wind

(6) less windy

The wind has calmed down. = The wind has slowed down.


The wind has dropped down from 10 mph to 2 mph.

(風速從 10 mph降到了 2 mph。)

Drop down多用於形容風速的下降。

There's less wind. = The wind is lighter. = It's less windy now.


6. 風停了

(1) stop

(2) die down

The wind has stopped.


The wind has died down.


7. Blowing 刮,吹

There is a strong wind blowing.


The wind is blowing strongly.


The wind is blowing towards us.


The wind blew my hair in my face.


Strong winds blew leaves everywhere.



8. Wind Direction 風向

The wind is blowing north.


There's a north wind today.


There's a wind from the north today.


There's always a northwest wind in the winter.


9. Wind Force 風力;Wind Speed 風速

The wind force is 1 today.


The wind speed is going to get up to 10 miles an hour today.



10. Upwind 順風;Downwind 逆風

Riding a bike is a lot easier when you're upwind.


It's hard to pedal downwind.


11. 一陣風

(1) breeze 一陣輕風

(2) a gust of wind 一陣狂風

You made a breeze when you ran by mommy.


A gust of wind knocked over all the lawn chairs. = A strong wind knocked over all the lawn chairs.


比起a strong wind的說法,a gust of wind更強調的是風突然來到和快速來臨。

12. Draft 穿堂風


Please close the window to get rid of the draft since grandma is sick.



Let me open the windows on both sides so we have some air flow.


13. Breeze 微風

There's a breeze.


I feel a cool summer breeze against my face.


14. Typhoon 颱風;Hurricane 颶風;Cyclone 旋風

中心持續風速在12級至13級(即每秒32.7米至41.4米)的熱帶氣旋(Tropical Cyclone)被稱為颱風或颶風。

Typhoon [tai'fun],起源於中文的「大風」一詞和希臘語的typhôn一詞,用於西北太平洋地區,主要是亞洲。

Hurricane ['hʌrikən],起源於西班牙語和一種失傳的印第安語,用於大西洋和東北太平洋地區,主要是美洲。

Cyclone ['saiklon],由英國人引入,可能起源於希臘語kyklôn一詞,用於南太平洋和印度洋,主要是澳大利亞、印度等原英屬殖民地。


Typhoon Krathon brought 17-level strong winds to Kaohsiung, marking the first typhoon to make landfall there in 47 years.



15. Tornado [tɔr'nedo] 龍捲風


In “The Wizard of OZ”, Dorothy’s house flew in a tornado.



