2024年1月29日 星期一

 蘇軾(Shu Shi)(born 1037~1101)







[版本一] ChatGPT 3.5

Pay no mind to the sound of leaves in the woods,

Why not chant and sing, walking slowly.

Bamboo staff and straw sandals outpace the horse,

Who fears? A bamboo hat, dampened by a lifetime of rain.

In the brisk spring breeze, the wine awakens,

Slightly cool, the mountain's slope warmly greets.

Looking back at the desolate place of the past,

Heading home, no wind, no rain, no clear sky.

[版本二] Bard

Do not listen to the wind howling through the trees,

Let us sing and walk slowly.

A bamboo staff and straw sandals are lighter than a horse,

Who's afraid? I will face the rain in a tattered raincoat for the rest of my life.


The cool spring breeze blows away the wine,

It is a bit cold,

The setting sun on the mountain greets me.


Looking back at the desolate place I have come from,

I return,

There is neither wind nor rain, nor is there a clear sky.

"莫聽穿林打葉聲" 翻譯成 "Do not listen to the wind howling through the trees"。字面意思是 "Do not listen to the sound of the wind piercing through the trees". 但選擇"howling through the trees" 以帶有強烈情感的 howl (哀號、怒吼)展現風雨的強度。

"何妨吟嘯且徐行"翻譯成 "Let us sing and walk slowly"。字面意思是 "Why not sing and slowly walk"。以更自然的 "Let us sing and walk slowly"傳達出吟者不羈的態度。

"竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬"翻譯成  "A bamboo staff and straw sandals are lighter than a horse"。顯現吟者過著不起眼、謙卑的生活。

"誰怕?一蓑湮雨任平生" 翻譯成 "Who's afraid? I will face the rain in a tattered raincoat for the rest of my life"。字面解釋是"Who is afraid? I will take the raincoat to face the rain for the rest of my life".但選擇更自然的 "I will face the rain in a tattered raincoat for the rest of my life" 傳達面對困境的決心!


"料峭春風吹酒醒" 的字面翻譯是 "The chill spring wind blows away the wine"。選擇用breeze傳達溫和的感覺,所以翻譯成 "The cool spring breeze blows away the wine"以傳達出原先暖暖的酒意被冷冽的春風的驅散,但內心不慍不火。

"微冷" 譯成 "It is a bit cold". 字面翻譯是 "It is slightly cold".選擇用較口語的 "It is a bit cold" 來傳達作者雖然內心已經不慍不火,還其實身子骨還是有點冷得不舒服。

"山頭斜照卻相迎" 的字面翻譯是  "The slanting sun on the mountain greets me"。選擇用較口語的"The setting sun on the mountain greets me" 展現作者內心的寧靜。


"回首向來蕭瑟處" 字面翻譯是"Looking back at the place from which I have come, which is desolate".選擇更自然的表達 "Looking back at the desolate place I have come from" 傳達作者經歷了這趟心靈之旅。

"歸去"直接翻譯成 "I return" ,作者最後歸處。

"也無風雨也無晴" 翻譯成 "There is neither wind nor rain, nor is there a clear sky"。接受了自然的變化,也暗指接受了人生境遇的波濤起伏。

既非有,亦非無,亦非空。此闕詞,以一場雨,隱喻人生,無論得失毀譽、富貴貧賤,都是一樣的,不足以影響自己的心境。蘇東坡爺爺用短短的一闕詞,展現了順天而動、禍福不驚、憂樂兩忘的修養境界,以及豁達灑脫、超然物外的胸懷,真可謂神人! 讓當初還是莘莘學子時的我一讀到這文字時驚為天人,還願意主動背誦,竟然到現在還想幫他找英文翻譯,以饗(識食也是食啊~)大眾!

