2024年2月17日 星期六


休假了,想出門逛大賣場補給日用品,找家人一起去,會遇到什麼狀況呢? 不是說好家裡的事務要共同決定,又不想要自己專斷獨裁,或讓老媽子太累,所以要一起活動、活絡家人感情? 如果用英文說,要如何開啟對話呢?下面對話內容可以參考一下喔!

Parent: "Hey, everyone! We're going to Costco today.  Any specific items (特定物品) we need?"

Child 1: "Can we get some snacks(零食), like chips and cookies?"

Child 2: "I need school supplies(學校用品). Maybe we can check that section?"

Parent: "Great suggestions!(很棒的建議) We'll add snacks and school supplies to the list(清單). Anything else?"

add  A  to  B    把 A 加到 B 裡面

Child 1: "How about some fresh fruits? I love their berries!"

Parent: "Sure, we'll grab some berries. And, let's not forget household essentials(家中必需品) like toilet paper(衛生紙) and detergent(清潔劑)."

Child 2: "Can we also get a new board game? Family game night?"

Parent: "Excellent idea! We'll pick out a fun board game(圖板遊戲,像圍棋、象棋、跳棋、大富翁這種). Now, everyone, remember to stick to(遵守) the list!"要在購物清單上的才能買喔!

Child 1: "I want to check out the electronics(電子用品) section. Maybe they have some good deals."


Parent: "Okay, after we finish the essentials(必需品), we can browse the electronics. And, don't forget, we need dog food(狗糧) too."

Child 2: "I'll make sure to remind(提醒) you about the dog food(狗糧). Can we get some ice cream as well?"

Parent: "Ice cream is a must(冰淇淋是一定要的)! Let's add it to the list. Anything else before we head out?"

Child 1: "I need a new water bottle(水壺) for school."

Parent: "Good thinking! We'll find a sturdy water bottle in the aisle. Alright, everyone, let's get ready to go!"

Family together: "Costco, here we come!"

如果你家裡的對話就像上面這樣順順的,恭喜囉! 因為也有子女在爸媽問要不要一起去哪裡的時候,就只想宅在家,這時候身為爸媽的你要怎麼轉念? 其實也不用想太多啦!你的兒子、女兒可能因下面五個原因拒絕你!

1. 工作太多要趕工,今天去不了! (Busy Schedule)

Son: "I have a lot of work to catch up on. Can't make it to Costco today."

這時你不用洩氣,可以說: "I understand you're busy, but a family outing could be a nice break. We'll make it quick, and you might find something useful too. Plus, your input on what to buy is valuable." 我知道你忙,不過全家出門剛好可以放鬆一下,我們可以買快一點,你也可能買到剛好你有用的東西喔!

2. 如果,子女沒被你說服,表明就是對此外出購物活動沒興趣 (Not Interested in Shopping)

Son: "I'm not really into shopping. It's not my thing."

那你怎麼辦呢? 可以針對你們共同的戶外休閒活動,例如踏青旅行,你就可以動之以情:

 "I get it, but we'll be exploring the outdoor and travel sections too. It's not just about shopping. Your company would make it more enjoyable, and we can grab a coffee together."


3. 如果貴公子或貴千金平常就是宅宅( Relaxing at Home),出門都嫌麻煩,人生格言或夢想就是宅在家、哪裡也不去:

Son: "I just want to relax at home. Going out seems like a hassle."


"Totally get the desire to relax. How about we keep it stress-free? We'll make it a casual trip, and you can pick a spot to unwind at Costco, maybe the cafe?"

4. 當然,不想出門也可能單純是因為身體不舒服(Not Feeling Well)。

Son: "I'm not feeling great today. Would rather(寧願) stay home."

一般家長聽到應該是沒輒了,但是,你不是他們啊! 還是可以鼓勵兒女出門透透氣、呼吸新鮮空氣。但畢竟身體不舒服,所以不會在大賣場待太久。最後還是要展現父母的慈愛。

 "I'm sorry to hear that. A little fresh air might do you good, and we won't stay long. If you'd rather rest, we understand. Just wanted to make sure you're okay."

5. 還有一種狀況,就是子女當天已經有約(Already Made Plans)了,例如跟朋友約好要去哪裡,所以爸媽突然的邀約當然會帶給他們困擾。

Son: "I've already made plans with friends. Can't make it."

這時爸媽可以彈性調整,或改約其他日期再逛大賣場,如此一來就可以全員出動。 強調對方參與購物是有重要意義的。"No problem at all. If your plans are set, we can adjust(調整). Maybe we can reschedule(重新規劃) for another day when everyone can join(參加). Your input(貢獻) on what to buy is important."



