中文稱謂 英文稱謂
祖父(爺爺/外公)Grandfather (paternal/maternal)
祖母(奶奶/外婆)Grandmother (paternal/maternal)
父親 Father
母親 Mother
繼父 Stepfather
繼母 Stepmother
養父 Adoptive Father
養母 Adoptive Mother
乾爹 Godfather
乾媽 Godmother
伯父(伯伯)Uncle (father's older brother)
伯母 Aunt (father's older brother's wife)
3rd叔叔 Uncle (father's younger brother)
嬸嬸 Aunt (father's younger brother's wife)
姑姑 Aunt (father's sister)
姑丈 Uncle (father's sister's husband)
舅舅 Uncle (mother's brother)
舅媽 Aunt (mother's brother's wife)
姨媽(阿姨)Aunt (mother's sister)
姨丈 Uncle (mother's sister's husband)
哥哥 Older Brother
嫂嫂 Sister-in-law (older brother's wife)
弟弟 Younger Brother
弟媳 Sister-in-law (younger brother's wife)
姊姊 Older Sister
姊夫 Brother-in-law (older sister's husband)
妹妹 Younger Sister
妹婿 Brother-in-law (younger sister's husband)
妯娌 Sister-in-law (wife of husband's brother)
若爸爸再婚(remarried),我們跟繼母一起生活,繼母後來又跟爸爸生了孩子,我們也會有同父異母的妹妹(half-sister)跟弟弟(half-brother)~但童話故事--灰姑娘跟她的的兩個姊姊沒有血緣關係,所以她們是step-sisters(繼姊妹)的關係啦!若媽媽再婚,我跟繼父原來的子女一起生活,他們跟我沒有血緣關係,我們是step-sister and step-brother的關係,是姻親關係~媽媽若跟繼父生了弟弟妹妹,妹妹弟弟就是我們同母異父、有血緣關係的half-sister跟half-brother!
親家公 Father-in-law (child's spouse's father)
親家母 Mother-in-law (child's spouse's mother)
兒子 Son
媳婦 Daughter-in-law
女兒 Daughter
女婿 Son-in-law
繼子 Stepson
繼女 Stepdaughter
養子 Adoptive Son
養女 Adoptive Daughter
乾兒子 Godson
乾女兒 Goddaughter
孫子 Grandson
孫女 Granddaughter
不過現代人重養生、壽命延長,說不定「曾」(great-)這種稱謂未來也會變普遍,所以說不定曾祖母great-grandmother、曾祖父great-grandfather、曾孫great-grandson、曾孫女great-granddaughter 這些稱謂,到時候就會常使用了喔:)