2023年12月7日 星期四

詩詞裡的藥草--藿香(Agastache rugosa)









On the jade courtyard, 'neath the peppered pavilion,
Silken windows, embroidered doors, hang with gauzy screens.
Amidst it all, a person named Jinlan,
Draped in fine silk, gathers fragrant patchouli.

Spring swallows skim the pond, breezes scatter plum blossoms,
Unfurling curtains reveal a picturesque scene, birds frolic in delight.
With a song in my heart, and tears in my grasp,
How long must one endure sorrow, and when will joy come at last?

Rather be a pair of ducks in the wild,
Than a parted crane in the clouds so vast.

(Note: This is a poetic interpretation and may not fully capture the nuanced beauty of the original Chinese poem.)

現在使用的廣藿香(Pogostemon Cablin)除了藥用,廣藿香精油也有很好的定香作用。

特徵藿香(Agastache rugosa)廣藿香(Pogostemon cablin)
科屬唇形科 (Lamiaceae)唇形科 (Lamiaceae)
俗名韓國薄荷,大紫薄荷 (Purple Giant Hyssop)廣藿香 (Patchouli)
原產地東亞,包括韓國 (East Asia, including Korea)東南亞,尤其是印尼和菲律賓(Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines)
生長習性多年生草本植物 (Herbaceous perennial)多年生草本灌木 (Herbaceous perennial shrub)
高度約2至3英尺(60-90厘米)Approximately 2 to 3 feet (60-90 cm)可達2至3英尺(60-90厘米) Can reach 2 to 3 feet (60-90 cm)
葉子有鋸齒,卵形,有香味的葉子 (Toothed, ovate, aromatic leaves)大,芬芳,有毛的葉子 (Large, fragrant, hairy leaves)
氣味帶有薄荷和茴香的味道 (Minty, with hints of anise)土壤味,甜味,稍微辛辣 (Earthy, sweet, and slightly spicy)
花朵顏色紫色至薰衣草色 (Purple to lavender)白色至淺粉色 (White to pale pink)
花期晚夏至初秋 (Late summer to early fall)晚秋至初春 (Late fall to early spring)
用途烹飪(香草)和觀賞 (Culinary - aromatic herb and ornamental)提取精油,常用於香水和芳香療法(Essential oil extraction, commonly used in perfumery and aromatherapy)
化學成分富含精油,主要包含莰酮和草芥子醚(Rich in essential oils, primarily containing linalool and estragole)廣藿香油,含有廣藿香醇,α-白葉烯等化合物(Patchouli oil, containing patchoulol, α-bulnesene, and other compounds)
藥用性質在東亞醫學中傳統上用於治療消化和呼吸問題(Traditional uses in East Asian medicine for digestive and respiratory issues)在芳香療法中傳統上用於放鬆和治療皮膚狀況(Traditional uses in aromatherapy for relaxation and skin conditions)


